[email protected]
The new UNEEKOR Balance OPTIX is a really cool system that not only shows you the live image of your weight and balance but can combine it with the UNEEKO Swing Optix Cameras and Launch monitor data whether it be UNEEKOR EYE MINI, UNEEKOR EYE XO, etc. Stay tunes as we will be covering a lot more of the UNEEKOR Balance Optix, Game Day software, EYE MINI, and more.
More about the UNEEKOR EYE XO 2
Uneekor’s EYE XO2 expands on the industry leading specs of our EYE XO with the addition of a third High-Speed Infrared Camera to capture a larger range of more precise data with any ball of choice.
The EYE XO2 also includes a larger hitting zone (28” W x 21” L), allowing for seamless transition between right and left handed golfers and the ability to add the new Uneekor “Trouble Mat,” an all-terrain hitting mat with a rough and bunker to simulate true on-course conditions.
Available to ship mid-February.
#uneekor #golfsimulator #eyemini #uneekoreyexo2 #golf #golfswing
UNEEKOR EYE XO 2! Plus EYE MINI & More at the 2023 PGA SHOW! Watch as we talked to Justin from UNEEKOR about the all new UNEEKOR EYE XO 2, UNEEKOR EYE MIN, UNEEKOR Game Day Software, Uneekor Balance Optix, and more. Bonus! UNEEKOR EYE MINI Price and Release date! Be sure to email me if you are looking to buy any UNEEKOR Hardware or Golf Simulator products at
2023 PGA Merchandise Show, Uneekor EYE XO
UNEEKOR EYE XO 2! Plus EYE MINI PRICE & More at the 2023 PGA SHOW!
January 25, 2023
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