TGC 2019 Penalties
I get this question a lot! What are the penalty percentages & shortcuts for TGC 2019 (The Golf Club 2019). I figured it would be useful to post this information on my website so I can put the link in the description of videos for my viewers.
The Distance Penalties are very important to understand. First off you have penalties in TGC 2019 with specific percentages based on the bunker location. If you are in a bunker that is further than 40 yards from the green then you will incur a 7% distance penalty for that shot. But, if you are in a bunker within 40 yards plan on a 40% distance penalty!
When playing out of the rough it is easy to remember because the percentages are similar. For lies in the light rough you will have a 7% penalty and heavy rough will be 14%
TGC 2019 Penalty Summary
Heavy Rough – 14% Distance Penalty Applied
Light Rough – 7% Distance Penalty Applied
Bunker Within 40 Yars of the Pin – 40% Distance Penalty Applied
Bunker 40 Yards or further from the pin – 7% Distance Penalty Applied
TGC 2019 Keyboard Shortcuts
At anytime during the game use ESC to pause the game and/or bring up the menu.
H = Hole flyover
Q = Scout Camera – Used for aiming. Takes you to the aiming point.
E = Green Overhead View. Use this to change the ball position when in the practice area.
V = View Change. Standard, Aerial, Slightly Elevated, More Elevated, Standard
C = Hole data
Left Arrow – Move aim left
Right Arrow – Move aim right
Z = Change club down or Change Ball Position when in drop or unplayable mode
X = Change club up or Change Ball Position when in drop or unplayable mode
J = Hole flyover
G = Turn on/off green grid
F = Remove flag
I = Show ball/club shot data window
W = Move ball forward when in drop or unplayable mode
S = Move ball backwards when in drop or unplayable mode
R = Auto Rewind
L = Show Lie grid
TGC 2019 Putting Shortcuts
E = Green aerial view
Q = Scout camera
V = View perspective toggle: Standard > Aerial > Slightly Elevated > More Elevated > Standard
G = Green grid on/off
F = Remove flag (only possible if ball off the green)
WSAD Keys = Move yellow aiming pole around
Shortcuts for Selecting Clubs in TGC 2019
` = Select driver
1 = Select 3 wood
2 = Select 5 wood
3 = Select Iron 3
4 = Select Iron 4
5 = Select Iron 5
6 = Select Iron 6
7 = Select Iron 7
8 = Select Iron 8
9 = Select Iron 9
0 = Select Pitching Wedge
– = Select Sand Wedge
= = Select Lob Wedge
P = Select Putter