Check out our full review and testing of the Rapsodo MLM 2 Pro with the major software update! If you are looking for an easy home golf simulator...
Category - Rapsodo MLM 2 PRO
New Rapsodo MLM2Pro Target Range Software Update! This new Golf Simulator Target Range can help you dial in your distances! This new play mode allows...
Watch as we show you the new Rapsodo MLM 2 Pro Golf Simulator Software Updates! This latest Beta version includes the much anticipated Landscape mode...
The Rapsodo MLM 2 Pro data is now in the cloud! Watch as we give you a first look and review of how you can take your Rapsodo MLM 2 Pro Golf Launch...
In this video we review the Rapsodo MLM 2 Pro Chipping. So many viewers asked how short can it actually read? We are here to answer that question. We...
We took the new Rapsodo MLM 2 Pro Golf Launch Monitor and did a driver accuracy test vs Foresight Sports GCQUAD! We really put the Rapsodo MLM2PRO to...