e6 Connect
E6 Connect Golf Simulator Software BIG UPDATE + Garmin R10 Info (2021)
In this video I will take you through a demonstration on how to use the new E6 Connect integrated Pinseeker APP with a golf simulator, I will talk briefly about the new Garmin R10 and give a few of my thoughts and discussions with them about testing, and also show some of the other features along the way including playing a Pinseeker competition.
If you are looking to purchase golf simulator hardware or software be sure to email me at: [email protected]
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Here is the List of Updates, Changes, and Fixes. Be sure to see the details on the E6 Website for more.
Added a new feature to the Main Menu, PinSeeker, which allows players to compete in tournaments for charity and prizes via their PinSeeker Game app and E6 Connect. Official site: https://www.pinseekergame.com
Added the Simulator Binding button, which allows you to unbind or rebind the current license from within E6 Connect. This button can be found in Settings, Help & Info, and can be locked behind Admin Mode for security. Unbind unbinds the license outright; Rebind only unbinds the current license if you log in again and choose a new license to bind to.
Profiles: Added a Handicap option in the Edit Profile Menu for players and even guests to set a manual handicap (in lieu of a future World Handicap System release).
Scorecard: Added Rating and Slope data.
Integrations: Added a new tracking system, Garmin.
Settings: Split the Measurement setting into two independent options for more modular customization: Speed (available in MPH, KPH, and M/s) and Distance (available in Yards/Feet/Inches or Yards only, or Meters/Centimeters or Meters only).
Settings – Video: SSAA (supersampling anti-aliasing) is now set to None by default to improve performance.
Updated the Club Select button for improved visibility.
Post Shot Menu: Modified the green OK/Continue button to show the text and timer (if applicable) at the same time for more clear usability.
Auto Caddy: Adjusted the auto caddy system to use better club distances and also consider the user’s Tee.
Game Setup Menu: Improved how Teams are auto-assigned so that the default assignments are more balanced, instead of just assigning a new team color every two players.
The Number Pad will now be closed after clicking outside of it.
Audio: Music and other sounds now fade instead of abruptly stop when entering or exiting a round.
Modes of Play Menu: Added a notification to indicate if a game mode is not able to be saved and resumed later.
Putting: The Putting Line should now show while on the Fringe if a putter is selected.
Resume Game: Sudden Death/tiebreaker games are now saved and can be resumed.
Closest to the Pin & Long Drive: Reverted the Top View to the standard (smaller) size (which was previously “jumbo” sized for a time).
Events: Implemented a tracking system filter to allow only showing Events that the currently set tracking system is eligible for (including Events with no restrictions).
Online Play: Updated the notice that appears when selecting Online Play.
TruTrack 2: Updated the Fiberbuilt images in the Configuration screen.
Integrations – FlightScope: Set Ball on Screen as the default view for all FS devices.
Integrations – TruSimAPI: Changed the Config Menu to list IP Address choices instead of manual entry and improved the menu’s general layout.
Integrations: Disabled the Terrain Penalty for tracking systems that do not support it.
Some of the Fixes:
mportant fix: Fixed issues with scores failing to post online and failing to detect E6 reconnecting to the internet.
Important fix: Events: Fixed the Terrain Penalty UI not showing in Events.
Profiles – Remember Player: Added safeguards to fix a long-standing and elusive bug with corrupted saved players, which manifested as empty player slots, missing profile images, failure to properly load data, and a few other odd behaviors. If the offending profile(s) cannot be restored from locally stored data, the invalid profile is removed.
Logging: Fixed the crashlog system that was not producing a valid crash dump file for many users. If E6 Connect encounters a crash, the CrashData.dmp file containing crash details can be found in C:ProgramDataE6GolfE6Connect.
Camera: Fixed an erratic behavior with the camera where it could spin around the cup too quickly.
Settings: Fixed the License Type no longer showing the friendly name in the Info & Help section. Fixed changes in Projection Dimensions not being saved if the number pad was used to enter the values.
See more on E6Golf.com